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Then, you will expand all the panels in the dock. Click the Expand Panels button to collapse and expand the panels.
Drag the left edge of the panel dock to collapse the panels into icons. If you click the double arrow again, the panels collapse back to icons without names.
Rearranging and customizing panels In this exercise, you will drag a single panel out of the dock to create a free-floating panel. Then, you will drag another panel into that panel to create a custom panel group. You will also ungroup the panels, stack them, and minimize them. A detached panel is called a floating panel.
Release the mouse button when the blue line appears along the perimeter of the Paragraph Styles panel. This action creates a panel group; you can drag any panel into a group. Release the mouse button when a blue line appears. The panels are now stacked rather than grouped. Stacked panels attach vertically to each other. You can move the panels as a unit by dragging the topmost title bar. Double-click the area again to expand the panels. Using panel menus Most panels have additional panel-specific options.
To access these options, you click the panel menu button to display a menu with additional commands and options for the selected panel. In this exercise, you will change the display of the Swatches panel. You can use the Swatches panel menu to create new color swatches, load swatches from another document, and more. You can save the menu customization with your custom workspace. Select Swatches and Styles from the Name menu and click Delete. A workspace is a configuration of panels and menus.
InDesign features a variety of default workspaces for special purposes, such as Book, Printing and Proofing, and Typography. You cannot modify the default workspaces, but you can save your own. In this exercise, you will save the customizations from the previous exercises.
If necessary, select Panel Locations and Menu Customization. Click OK. Choose each of the other workspaces to see the different default configurations.
Click the menus in addition to looking at the panels. If you close the Application bar, on Mac 0S, the zoom controls appear in the lower-left corner of the document window. Depending on the dimensions of your document and your screen resolution, you may or may not see the entire document onscreen.
Using the Zoom tool In addition to the view commands, you can use the Zoom tool to magnify and reduce the view of a document. In this exercise, you will experiment with the Zoom tool.
Notice that a plus sign appears in the center of the Zoom tool. The view changes to the next preset magnification, centered on the point where you clicked. A minus sign appears in the center of the Zoom tool. You can also use the Zoom tool to drag a marquee around a portion of a document to magnify a specific area. Because the Zoom tool is used frequently during the editing process to enlarge and reduce the view of your document, you can temporarily select it from the keyboard at any time without deselecting any other tool you may be using.
When you release the keys, the pointer returns to the Selection tool. Navigating through a document There are several different ways to navigate through an InDesign document, including using the Pages panel, the Hand tool, the Go To Page dialog box, and controls in the document window.
The Pages panel provides page icons for all of the pages in your document. Double-clicking any page icon or page number in the panel brings that page or spread into view.
In this exercise, you will experiment with turning pages. Click the Pages panel icon to collapse the Pages panel. Click the down arrow and choose 1. In this exercise, you will experiment with the Hand tool. The Type context menu lets you insert special characters, check spelling, and perform other textrelated tasks. To display context menus, you position the pointer over a selected object or anywhere in the document window, and click with the right mouse button Windows or press Control and hold down the mouse button Mac OS.
Note what options are available. Notice the information provided about the document when no objects are selected. Click to select individual objects and see how the Info panel changes as you select them.
Finding resources for using InDesign For complete and up-to-date information about using InDesign panels, tools, and other application features, use the controls in the Application bar: the Help menu, the Search box, and the CS Live button. Review answers 1 You can choose commands from the View menu to zoom in or out of a document, or fit the page or spread to your screen. You can also use the Zoom tool in the Tools panel, and click or drag over a document to enlarge or reduce the view.
In addition, you can use keyboard shortcuts to magnify or reduce the display. You can also use the Zoom Level box in the Application bar. For example, you can press V to select the Selection tool from the keyboard; press and hold the keyboard shortcut to temporarily select the tool.
You select hidden tools by positioning the pointer over a tool in the Tools panel and holding down the mouse button. When the hidden tools appear, select the tool. You can also access type-specific panels from the Type menu. Drag the tab of any other panel into the tab bar of the new, free-floating panel. A panel group can be moved and resized as one panel. This lesson will take approximately 60 minutes. Our mission is to showcase our local talent: both in the kitchen and off the farm.
Eat healthy! Eat local! Official Edible City Walking Tour Let one of our Urban Foragers show you the variety of edible plants that go unnoticed by the average urbanite. Finish the tour with a salad made from your find. It will eventually be exported to Flash. This design, however, is flexible enough that the document works for Adobe PDF distribution as well.
As you will see in this lesson, the building blocks of an InDesign CS5 document are the same, regardless of the output media. You will view all the pages in this document, and then finish one spread.
When the Welcome screen appears, close it. You can scale the preview thumbnails in the Content panel by using the Thumbnail slider at the bottom of the Adobe Bridge window.
Enter 8 and click OK. This is what the page you will be working on will look like when you complete this lesson. We like food. You can now reposition the Pages panel as necessary. This is a common setup for booklets and documents displayed onscreen.
Double-click the numbers 12—13 below the page icons to display this spread in the document window. For example, preflighting can ensure that a document has all the font and media files it needs for proper output to any media— print, PDF, or interactive.
In the past, preflighting was considered a post-production process. With InDesign CS5, however, Live Preflight lets you monitor documents as you create them to prevent potential printing problems from occurring. You can create or import production rules called profiles against which to check your documents. The default profile supplied with InDesign flags issues such as missing fonts and overset text text that does not fit in its text frame.
Or, doubleclick the Preflight button in the lower-left corner of the document window. Using the [Basic] preflight profile, InDesign finds one error, as indicated by the red Preflight icon in the lower-left corner of the Preflight panel. According to the Error list in the Preflight panel, the problem is Text. To continually check your work and view details on issues, leave the Preflight panel open. Then double-click Overset Text for details.
Overset text is a common problem during layout because as paragraph styles change and objects are moved and resized, text can accidentally get cut off. In this case, you will resize the frame to fit all the text. Currently, the document is displayed in Preview mode, which displays artwork in a standard window, hiding nonprinting elements such as guides, grids, frame edges, and hidden characters.
To work on this document, you will view guides and hidden characters such as spaces and tabs. In Presentation mode, the InDesign CS5 interface is hidden entirely and the document fills the whole screen. This mode works well for presenting design ideas to clients on a laptop. You can navigate the pages of the layout using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Then, choose Normal from the Mode menu to display any layout aids you want to use. Be sure Guides is checked in the menu.
The guides do not print and do not limit the print or export area. Displaying hidden nonprinting characters such as tabs, spaces, and paragraph returns helps you precisely select and style text. Text can also be in table cells and flowing along paths.
You can type text directly into a text frame or import text files from word-processing programs. When importing text files, you can add the text to existing frames or create frames to contain the text. Then, you will style the text and adjust its placement within the frame. For rectangular text frames, you can specify the inset from each side of the box; for irregularshaped frames such as this, you can only specify one inset value.
In the Inset Spacing section, type p10 in the Inset box. Importing and flowing text In most publishing workflows, writers and editors use word processors. To complete the EAT page of the city guide, you will import a Microsoft Word file into a white text frame on page 9 using the Place command.
In the Place dialog box, make sure that Show Import Options is not selected. You can drag to create a new text frame, click inside an existing frame, or click to create a new text frame within a column. In this case, the writer provided a subhead and a paragraph for each of the three white text frames.
You will thread these text frames so the text flows through them. Click the out port in the lower-right corner of the selected frame. The pointer becomes a loaded text icon. Click in the text frame immediately below. At this point, all the text fits in the three frames. Once you apply paragraph styles, a heading and paragraph will fit perfectly in each frame. You can select a paragraph by simply clicking in it.
Applying paragraph styles Since the city guide is almost finished, all the paragraph styles you need are already created. You will first apply the Body Copy style to all the text in the three threaded text frames, and then you will apply the Location Header style to the box headings.
Then, click Body Copy to format the entire story with the Body Copy style. Therefore, it can be formatted with a paragraph style. This is the advantage of showing hidden characters while formatting text. Formatting text for the character style A current design trend is to highlight a few key words in a paragraph to draw readers into the story.
You can then quickly apply the character style to other selected words. Click the Fill menu and choose Dark Red. Leave the font as Chaparral Pro. Creating and applying a character style Now that you have formatted the text, you are ready to create a character style.
This new style includes the characteristics of the selected text, as indicated in the Style Settings area of the dialog box.
You will now move the new character style into alphabetical position within the City Guide style group folder. The ability to group styles in this way helps you keep templates organized. Because you applied a character style instead of a paragraph style, the formatting affected only the selected text, not the entire paragraph. Graphics used in an InDesign CS5 document are placed inside frames. You can use the Selection tool to resize the frame and to position the graphic within the frame.
If necessary, scroll to view all of page 9. If you click on the page, InDesign will create a graphics frame for you and place the graphic in it at full size. In this case, however, you will create a graphics frame to contain this graphic.
Align the bottom of the frame with the guide as shown. Resizing the graphics frame essentially crops the graphic. You can use the scaling controls on the Control panel to precisely adjust the graphic size.
You will learn more about that in Chapter Click the content grabber to select the graphic, then drag to position the berries within the frame as you please. In general, you move and resize objects with the Selection tool. Objects can have a fill background color and a stroke outline or frame weight and color. You can move objects around freely, snap them to other objects, or place them with precision according to guides or values. In addition, you can resize and scale objects and specify how text wraps around them.
Wrapping text around an object To see text wrap in action, you will drag an InDesign CS5 object from the pasteboard on top of a text frame.
The exact placement is not crucial. If so, Live Preflight reports the error in the lower-left corner of the document window. If the text is still overset when you are finished placing the object, you can resize the text frame. In the Text Wrap panel, click the third button from the left side. This deselects the option and lets you enter different values for each side of the object.
Close the Text Wrap panel. You will then change the stroke weight and color. When the mover pointer displays, drag the frame down and to the left as shown. In the Stroke panel, choose 2 pt from the Weight menu.
You may need to scroll down to see it. In this exercise, you will create an object style from a formatted object and then apply the style to other objects on the page. Hold down the Shift key and then click the remaining three speech bubble objects to add them to the selection. Thread text frames? Review answers 1 The Preflight panel reports errors when something in the layout does not comply with the selected preflight profile.
Preflight errors are also reported in the lower-left corner of the document window. This lesson will take approximately 90 minutes. Anyway, we got home and life returned to normal, or even better than normal, even supernormal, if there is such a word. I told Judith I was sorry about the comments I made about her parents and the Day of the Dead celebration, and she apologized for her brazen flirting with that good-for-nada bullfighter.
Then, in an effort to cement our new-found bond, Judith enrolled us in an origami class. Origami is amazing and beautiful. One day, he came across a trapped crane. He took pity on the crane and released it. A few days later, a lovely woman visited his house, and asked him to shelter for the night. Soon the two got married. One day, she said she would weave cloth for him to sell at market, but she told him never to see her weaving.
When she finished weaving, she emerged with a beautiful fabric. He brought the fabric to town, where merchants were surprised and paid gold for it. The fabric was very rare and called Tsuru-no-senba-ori thousand feathers of crane.
I learned to appreciate the art of origami, and I decided to read as much about its history as time allowed. The name origami was coined in for the words oru to fold and kami paper. It started in the first century AD in China. I thought it started in Japan, but Judith quickly pointed out the error in my thinking. The Chinese developed some simple forms, some of which survive to this day. Buddhist monks brought Origami to Japan in the sixth century AD. It caught on quickly throughout the culture: paper was used in architecture and in many everyday rituals.
Many of the earliest designs have been lost, since there was nothing written down about origami until with the publication of the Senbaduru Orikata How to Fold One Thousand Cranes.
The Kan no mado Window of Midwinter , a comprehensive collection of traditional Japanese figures, was published in Origami flourished in other parts of the world, as well.
The Moors, devoutly religious, were forbidden to create representational figures. Their paper folding was a study in geometry. Anyway, this technique is still popular in Spain and Argentina. Modern origami owes its existence to a man named Akira Yoshizawa. He is the originator of the system of lines and arrows used in modern paper folding. As origami evolves, elaborate folding techniques produce amazing models. In our class, Judith specialized in creature fish and sea creature origami.
During the first two weeks of training, she produced a horseshoe crab, a goldfish, a strikingly beautiful seahorse, a so-so squid, and a lopsided clam, basing her patterns on Barbour, Andreozzi, and Robinson.
Origami tessellations has grown in popularity recently, but has an extensive history. Tessellations refer to the tiling of the plane where a collection of two-dimensional figures fill a plane with no gaps or overlaps.
Origami tessellations are tessellations made from a flat material, most often paper, but it can be from anything that holds a crease.
The history of costuming includes tessellations done in fabric that are recorded as far back as the Egyptian Tombs. Fujimoto was an early Japanese master who published books with tessellations. Summer Vacations 3 4 Scroll through the document to view the spreads, most of which only have guides and placeholder frames.
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In this session, we will explain some of the basics of word processing. Describe the Word Screen More information. Microsoft Word Quick Reference Guide. Create a PDF File. There are several different More information. About your Kobo ereader A Turning Account is More information. PC Agent Quick Start. Open the Agent. Autonomy Connected Backup. Version 8. If the Agent is not on More information. Logging More information. T24 Helpline If you need help as you More information.
By clicking on the hyperlink will activate it and More information. You can access the files on your More information. A database is an organized body More information. This note shows you how to More information. Click More information. To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. Adding audio and video content to EPUB video Spanning and Splitting columns video Creating documents with Interactive features video Creating and editing motion presets video Mixing page sizes with the new Page tool video Exploring new FLA export options video Learn to set up your documents, prepare them for output, and get creative!
Take a tour — navigate around InDesign's menus, dialog boxes, panels, and panes, and customize preferences. Master the template — set up and modify templates, use master pages, build libraries, and work with color. The essential object — manipulate, organize, align, and arrange design objects. Terrific text — see how to import and thread text, edit and style it, and finesse characters to make your words look great.
Must-have graphics — prepare graphics files, work with image layers, and create a clipping path. Get down to business — create manuals and annual reports with tables, footnotes, and indexes. Present your project — export your work to the Web or make it an interactive presentation with animation and sound. Gruman writes the mobile and consumerization columns for InfoWorld, and he was a pioneer in the use of personal computing and desktop publishing technologies in the mids and has covered and used all the major software in production environments ever since.
In addition, he has been executive editor of Macworld, M-Business, InfoWorld, and Upside magazines, among other roles in high-tech publications. Gruman lives and works in San Francisco as a writer, editor, and consultant on high-tech and business issues. His Web site is www. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.
Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Enhance your purchase. Get up to speed on the latest features and enhancements to InDesign CS5 As the industry standard in professional layout and design, InDesign delivers powerful publishing solutions for magazine, newspaper, and other publishing fields. InDesign is proving to be an increasingly popular layout and design application; InDesign CS5 includes new functionality and enhanced tools Teaches all the basics for first-time users, including how to open and save your work, arrange objects, work with color, edit text, manage styles, finesse character details, add special type, import and size graphics, set paths, work with tabs, create indices, and more Demonstrates how to calibrate colors, export PDF files, fine-tune paragraph details, create frames and shapes, manipulate objects, and work with automated text InDesign CS5 For Dummies offers a straightforward but fun approach to discovering how to get the most from your desktop publishing experience when using InDesign.
Previous page. Publication date. Print length. See all details. Next page. Frequently bought together. Total price:. To see our price, add these items to your cart. It is a big InDesign world, after all. Note that these are not in any particular order! To all the many great sites and links that we forgot, we apologize! I thought I was getting caught up on things. Honestly though, thanks for the treasure trove. Here the application program has changed to CS4.
Thank you! May I suggest ? May I suggest an additional book for your book list? It is focused on the basics of book design and related typography — and features a chapter on using InDesign to set up a print book.
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